Thursday, August 23, 2012

Logan residents shocked at high utility bills

Dry, hot weather conditions combined with a $7 base increase per month has many Logan residents balking at their most recent utility bills.

Starting in July, fees in three categories went up to account for base increases in water, sewer and stormwater rates, but city officials are saying that high electric and water usage has translated into steeper monthly bills than otherwise expected.

Base rates in three areas within Logan utility bills were increased a total of $7 for residents this summer. The increases, which are paying for various capital projects throughout the city but chiefly along 1000 West, were approved by councilmembers in June.

Logan is putting $14 million toward the 1000 West project. Although the Utah Department of Transportation is paying for the road surface, Anderson said the city is responsible for funding infrastructure updates below the ground.

Actual consumption rates — the area in which most residents are seeing the biggest jumps on their bills — were not altered.

Utility bills in Logan include base rates for a handful of services — from 911 operations to garbage collection — and a variable charge for electricity and water usage, both of which are measured monthly. HJNews