Monday, August 27, 2012

Contention growing over canal replacement

The Sept. 13 meeting of the Logan Planning Commission could be interesting. JUB Engineers and Logan City, Hyde Park, and Smithfield Canal agents will request a permit to replace an open ditch canal including piping, adding a storm water channel and an access road.

One of many Logan residents protesting the permit is Tony Wegener who told the Logan Municipal Council Tuesday that he owns property on both sides of the canal and property along the canal bed along with other residents.

Wegener said the breach in the Logan Island canal in 2009, which resulted in the death of three people, was disastrous. However, he said the current $25 million response to that disaster, the Cache Water Restoration Project, is unreasonable.

At Tuesday's meeting, Councilwoman Holly Daines said she's upset about the fact that changes have been made since she signed documents giving her approval. Daines said what she signed involved a boxed culvert along 1500 North. Cache Valley Daily